00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
~ Monetize Your Expertise  ~  Sell More Programs ~ 
~ Create a  6-Figure Year ~
November 18-20, 2024
ATTENTION: Course Creators, Coaches, Authors, And Speakers Who Want To Break Into 6-Figure Sales THIS Year…
If you are...
  • Looking to leverage your efforts and have the freedom to spend time on what matters most...  
  •  Interested in scaling your business so you can serve more people (and make more money)...
  •  Ready to increase your program sales and get more clients while working fewer hours...
Join us for the
LEVERAGE 3-Day Virtual LIVE Event 
Monetize Your Expertise, Sell More Programs, 
and Reach Your First 6-Figure Year
Lev·er·age (verb): to use [something] to the maximum advantage.
LEVERAGE was created to bring you the HOTTEST client-attraction strategies that are working RIGHT NOW — straight from the experts already using them to crush it in this fast-changing online environment.

Like the pulley system in an elevator, leveraging these TIME-TESTED methods allows you to scale to the top floor of program sales... with less effort than ‘taking the stairs’.

When you attend this workshop-style live event, you’ll discover...

 ➤  5 strategies PROVEN to cut through the noise, competition, and overwhelm of today's online landscape...

 ➤  Top leverage points that are right for YOUR offer, YOUR stage of business and YOUR audience...

 ➤  How to simplify your marketing efforts, tap a bottomless well of organic (free) traffic, and fill your programs in a fraction of the time.

You’ll leave with a solid and simple marketing plan to reach 6-figure sales with a single program… even if you don’t have a list or ad budget.

"Leverage Puts It All Together In a 
Cohesive, Doable Way" 
"Your life will NEVER be the same after attending Alina's Leverage event.

I have taken many challenges and programs with Alina, but Leverage puts it all together in a cohesive, do-able way that is information-rich, with amazing speakers (!), but none of it is overwhelming. 

I am feeling so confident with where I need to take my business now.💜"
 ~ Sheri Elle Brown
Option #1 - Virtual Live Event PLUS Recordings ($298) - SAVE $500
  • A virtual ‘front row seat’ to the LEVERAGE online event.
  • ​All of the resources, handouts, excercises and worksheets from the event.
  • ​Live coaching and feedback from a team of  seasoned experts.
  • Lifetime access to the LEVERAGE event recordings. Don’t miss a single minute of actionable training with this opportunity to rewatch every session whenever you need a boost!
Option #2 - Virtual Live Event Ticket Only ($199) 
  • ​A virtual ‘front row seat’ to the LEVERAGE online event.
  • ​All of the resources, handouts, excercises and worksheets from the event. 
  • ​Live coaching and feedback from a team of seasoned experts.
If you want to EASILY fill your programs WITHOUT... 
  • Complicated marketing funnels
  • ​Flash-in-the-pan marketing fads that sap your time + energy
  • ​Watching paid ads drain your bank account without a sale in sight
  • ​Sinking endless hours into social media only to hear crickets back
  • The overwhelm of juggling multiple messy strategies at once
Then it’s time to find the TOP leverage points for your business to simplify your marketing, amplify your message, and scale your program sales in 2024 and beyond.
"Every Single Thing... Is Actionable, Useful and Will Move Your Business Into Success And Profitability
"Alina Vincent is the best facilitator of learning I've encountered... and I’m a learning junkie. 

Her content is well structured and easily understood. Every single thing she gives is actionable, useful and will move your business into success and profitability. Her style is personable - completely delightful, and down-to-earth! 

She brings in experts who also deliver powerfully useful and insightful content so the whole package is the best possible value for your money. 

You can't go wrong with Alina! She deserves & earns my highest recommendation, compliments and respect! "
 ~ Sara Atkins

Here’s Just a Tiny Fraction of What We’ll Cover During This Powerful and Practical Live Event:
  • The LATEST strategies for building your online platform and community, attracting your perfect ideal leads, and turning them into clients... laid out in steps by the experts leveraging them right now. 
  • A clear cut scaling blueprint for turning a ‘trickle’ of sales into clockwork-consistent revenue, plus an overview of the simple tools + technology you need to get there FAST.
  • Tested and PROVEN organic traffic strategies that create maximum visibility without spending a single dime on paid ads.
  • How to craft irresistible marketing copy that frames your program as the ULTIMATE solution to your audience’s problems... even if you don’t know a thing about copywriting.
  • How to position yourself DIRECTLY in front of your ideal clients online... and captivate them with the EXACT type of content they get excited to consume.​
  • My ‘mindset reset’ for escaping the 1-to-1 sales trap, destroying overwhelm, and ushering in more income (and FREEDOM) with zero stress.​
  • How to identify YOUR path of least resistance to 6-figure course sales, 100% customized to your business, strengths, and ideal audience.
Regular Ticket Price - $2,000

Here Is What Our Past Event Participants Said... 
"If You Are Serious About Your Business, Come to Alina's Leverage Live Event"  
"It's a no-brainer! If you are serious about your business, come to Alina's Leverage Live Event. 

Nowhere else will you receive so much value-packed content in so short time, and with so many amazing entrepreneurs to share the experience with."
 ~ Susanna Grinsvall
"I Learned How To Simplify And Grow My Business " 
"It is the best value for the investment that I have made in quite awhile - heck, I stayed up till 5:30 AM the first day because of the quality of the content - because of being located across the world from where the event was taking place. 

I learned how to simplify and grow my business in such an easy manner with enough tools and techniques to actually make it happen! 

Having the right trainer for the right subject matter is the most important decision one can make and Alina is indeed masterful at helping people figure out the correct language for communicating with one's ideal clients - a skill set few possess - while teaching you the best ways to get the word out regarding your work."
 ~ Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
"Engaging And Game-Changing From Beginning To End"  
"It's a top-notch event with a firehose of information presented by the best experts in the business. Engaging and game-changing from beginning to end. 

Alina's events are always impeccably done, and this was one of her best. 

If you have an idea for an online business, this event will give you a comprehensive overview of some great possibilities." 
 ~ Michele Benyo
"The Leverage Event Provides The Motivation And Excitement You Need To Catapult A Wish Into Reality" 
"Imagine being the person of your vision by this time next year. 

The Leverage Event provides the motivation and excitement you need to catapult a wish into reality. 

Alina Vincent and her invigorating community ROCKS and will welcome you with a warm, heartfelt embrace.🤓😃💖"
 ~ Tom Masters
"Organize Your Gifts, Knowledge, Expertise and Talents Into The Perfect Recipe..."  
"If you want to access the “HOW” to organize your gifts, knowledge, expertise and talents into the perfect recipe... to create a thriving business that actually makes an impact, then this event is for you!"
 ~ Tzeli Triantafillou
"It Is A Must-Attend Event" 
"It is a must-attend event. 

The level of expertise, information ready to put in action, networking and growth I got in this event is unique and powerful."
 ~ Sylvia Chavez 
"All The Valuable Info... That You Can 
Immediately Put Into Action" 
"You should absolutely attend this event! 

It will skyrocket your biz forward, with all the valuable info packed into it that you can immediately put into action. 

Alina is a genius. 🙂"
 ~ Christina Solstad

"Hurry Up And Sign Up NOW!" 

It will be the fantastic investment in you and your business and you DON’T WANT to miss it."
 ~ Natalya Paquin
"Top Notch Planning And Execution..." 
"There is so much value: mindset, language, strategies, step-by-step creation process. 

Alina and the team are amazing!! 

They give and give and help and brainstorm. Top notch planning and execution."
 ~ Barbara Ingrassia
"Alina And Her Team Pack In A Ton Of Understandable, Useful, And Immediately Actionable Content" 
"I’ve been to four of Alina’s events now and each time got waaaay more value out of it than I paid in money & time to attend.

Alina and her team pack in a ton of understandable, useful, and immediately actionable content, and they know how to motivate you to implement right away.

If you want to build your business not simply to make more money, but to have a much bigger impact on your clients’ lives, then attending Leverage is a no-brainer!"
 ~ Ian Foster
"I made $3,600 on the pilot alone!"
"Alina is a Master Teacher and Business Coach extraordinaire.
Her rapid success and business growth reflects her uncanny ability
to hone in and break down her rock star insights and know-hows into easily understandable -- and instantly doable -- steps.
Her system allowed me to get my first program up and running in just a few weeks -- I made $3,600 on the pilot alone!"
~ Michelle Kopper, The Inspired Voice Coaching
Alina Vincent is a Business and Technology Strategist and a creator of popular "Money Making Program Blueprint" and "Profitable Online Challenges" programs.

Alina is passionate about helping entrepreneurs package and monetize their knowledge and expertise to create a leveraged and scalable business. Experts hire her for her strategic advice and simple step-by-step approach to creating successful online programs, engaged Facebook communities, and profitable online challenges.

Finding her zone of genius by combining a strong analytical background, which includes advanced science degrees, with creative vision, Alina works at the intersection of logic and imagination, giving her clients everything from practical research-driven systems and strategies, to creative original and intuitive solutions.